Coping Strategies – Susan1


Susan1 talks about how diet and exercise helped her cope with waiting for a heart transplant.


And so this whole time you know, I’m trying to manage my diet and stay positive. And you know, living with this congestive heart failure. One thing that I found really helpful was to swim. And so I made my meal preparation a big focus of my day so that I could you know, make sure my meals – I knew what I was going to eat ahead of time. So that I could keep you know, any kind of salt consumption down to a minimum.  And I would swim every day. I wouldn’t be swimming hard, but I would go to a pool that I had a membership for. And I would swim lengths. And you know I would do what I could do. I usually had to stop at every end of the pool, do a valsalva manoeuver [to slow heart rhythms]. But then carry on, and I made this my mental therapy as well as my physical therapy. And I think it, you know, it helped keep me mentally straight in the head. Thinking positive. You know, about transplant. Because I think a big part of it is your mental outlook right? You’ve really got to stay focused and be prepared for it.

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